About the Conference

Like all of you in the Computers and Writing community, we were saddened and frustrated when we couldn’t host this wonderful conference in 2020. But our commitment then and now is to hosting a conference that is as safe and sustaining as possible. Quite simply, we do not know what the next several months have in store for us, but we are leaning into hope: hope that our wonderful C&W community will get to be together again in May 2022, hope that we can welcome friends old and recent and yet to be onto our beautiful campus and our new student center at East Carolina University; hope that more people will get vaccinated now that we have a fully FDA approved vaccine; hope that more and more of us can feel safe as we begin to travel again.

In light of that hope, we are excited to host Computers and Writing 2022, but we will be doing so slightly differently from the plans we initially sketched out more than two years ago. We are committed to ensuring access and support for a broad and diverse group of participants for the C&W 2022 conference. To that end, in addition to an in-person conference, we have envisioned an online component for those who are unable to travel to Greenville, NC, but still want to participate in this important conference.

When submitting your proposal, we ask that you indicate whether you plan to present virtually (asynchronously) or in-person. Virtual presentations that are accepted will be submitted ahead of the conference dates and be available on demand to all conference attendees. In-person presentations that are accepted will be organized into concurrent sessions and take place during the on-site conference.

You’ll also have the option to participate in the conference virtually or in-person. Those who participate virtually will be able to attend live-broadcast in-person presentations that take place at the conference as well as keynote and plenary panels. All attendees will have access to the virtual presentations.

Registration costs will also be differentiated based on conference participation.

No doubt, you will have a number of questions now and over the next several months as things change. We will be adding to the FAQ section to the bottom of this page as questions emerge and we work through solutions. We welcome your feedback and suggestions, and we would encourage you to submit those through the conference email address. While we may see questions posted to Twitter, Facebook, or other social media platforms — and we will do our best to respond to them — we might just as easily miss them in the rapid flow of information there. We are much more likely to see questions that arrive by email. We can then add them to the FAQ and share that information out on social media.

We welcome feedback and questions through candwconference@gmail.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your prospective timeline in terms of knowing whether the conference will go on as planned or be modified to a fully online/virtual event?

We plan to notify everyone who submits a proposal whether or not it has been accepted in December 2021. In January 2022, we will make a final decision about whether or how much of the conference will be in-person so that presenters and prospective attendees have a chance to make travel plans.

My proposal for the 2020 conference was already accepted; do I need to resubmit/submit a new proposal or will my previous proposal acceptance be honored?

We are asking that you submit again; you may resubmit the project you had before, of course, and we will work to honor that earlier acceptance. However, nearly two full years has passed since those previous proposal ideas were submitted and we recognize that many people’s work has changed significantly in that time. We did not want to force folks to stick with their previous projects if their thinking, research projects, or scholarly commitments had moved on in that time.

I’m planning to submit an in-person proposal. What if the conference moves to a fully online/virtual format? Will I still have space for presenting my work?

Yes. While it remains hard to predict what the next few months will bring, we will do everything we can to provide space for all accepted presenters, whether in-person or virtual, to present their work as part of C&W22. If your planned in-person presentation/workshop will not work as a virtual event, we work with you on modifications. Either way, we will still publish your accepted session in the program and you can list it on your CV as accepted.